How HR uses E-cology to Enhance Recruitment & Selection Process


All-in-one platform for recruitment & selection processes: Why it's important for HR

The recruitment and selection process may seem routine for recruiters, but some constantly struggle with navigating between accounts, tabs, filtering resumes, and reaching out to candidates across various job portals and communication channels.

The absence of integration between these channels significantly reduces efficiency and effectiveness in the recruitment and selection process, often resulting in workflow delays. Therefore, the challenge isn’t necessarily insufficient resources or the difficulty of hiring the best-performing candidate; it’s about employing the right strategy.

That’s where the Weaver E-cology platform comes in, providing you with the precise tools and features needed for effective recruitment and selection management.

Integration with third-party job portals

Our Weaver E-cology platform comes equipped with a built-in HR Management solution that seamlessly integrates with your company website and popular third-party job portals such as Jobstreet and Indeed. This enables a seamless job posting process, eliminating the need to switch between different sites, tabs, and accounts.

Stay on track with your applications

Once submitted, applications are automatically sorted based on the applied position and stored in the database. This streamlined process eliminates the need for manual data entry, making it easier to track applications when necessary.

Maintain seamless communication with candidates

Building relationships with candidates is crucial. Stay in constant touch and communicate with candidates effortlessly, all within a single account and platform, eliminating the need to switch between multiple accounts.

Filter resumes effectively

Prevent duplications and repetitions in resume submissions with the E-cology platform’s AI-powered intelligence. It automatically presents resumes that match your requirements, helping you find the most suitable candidate for the specific job.

WeCom Integration

Job posting is no longer limited to professional job portals, thanks in part to the impact of social platforms.

WeCom (also known as WeChat Work) has revolutionized the recruitment and selection process by integrating job postings, job descriptions, and application links into QR codes. This innovation streamlines the submission of resumes and interview arrangements through simple scanning, creating a win-win situation for both recruiters and candidates.

Going paperless with modern technology

In today’s landscape, many recruitment and selection processes remain reliant on paper. This leads to piles of documents that can be challenging to retrieve quickly, ultimately consuming more time.

The lack of information transparency between recruiters and hiring managers often results in delayed responses during the recruitment and selection process. This, in turn, increases the chances of overlooking potential candidates you had your eye on.

Offline approval processes can be delayed due to hiring managers being out of the office or facing scheduling conflicts. However, with the workflow and application form builder features in the Weaver E-cology platform, you can standardize data and processes, promoting transparency and expediting the entire recruitment and selection process.

1. Deploy a selection and recruitment plan

Within the Weaver E-cology platform, departments can pre-plan their recruitment and selection needs. They provide information such as the recruitment timing, job descriptions, required skills, and the number of recruits needed. This data is then transmitted to HR through designated workflows once application forms are submitted, streamlining the job posting process.

The transparency of data, information, and easy accessibility helps prevent recruiters from contacting the same candidates repeatedly, leading to a fully optimized recruitment and selection process.

2. Create a flexible approval workflow

The approval process often varies based on factors like the job position, requirements, and the department involved. Therefore, it’s essential to design and implement a flexible workflow to achieve higher efficiency and ensure the recruitment of the right candidates.

Additionally, managing referred or appointed candidates can be handled through specially curated approval processes tailored to your specific requirements and management needs.

3. Build your own talent pool

Many companies maintain their talent database or employee database, which stores information about potential candidates. This database allows you to efficiently match the right talent with the right job without the need for extensive inquiries, as all the information is readily available to you.

Every resume received upon application submission will be automatically stored in the talent database. This allows you to easily keep track of every record, including basic information, interview performance, interview results, offer status, reasons for offer rejection, and more.

4. Filter by job position

Resumes will be filtered according to the specific job positions applied for, facilitating easy access and review by HR and hiring managers. This feature enables the use of tools such as adding opinions, comments, and filtering out the best candidates from the “talent pool.

5. Resume comparison

In many cases, candidates may possess similar skills, which can complicate the recruitment and selection process. The ability to compare resumes can enhance the filtering process by highlighting education backgrounds, language proficiency, and work experience according to your preferences, ultimately facilitating the decision-making process.

Creating a seamless onboarding process

Onboarding processes are critical indicators of successful recruitment and selection outcomes. Often, new recruits are unsure about what documents to submit. Traditional hand-written onboarding forms necessitate manual data entry into the system, increasing the HR workload.

With the activation of a work account in the Weaver E-cology platform, new recruits are guided by the system to submit the necessary onboarding documents, which are then securely stored in the database. No side-by-side guidance is needed; all onboarding processes can be completed by new recruits themselves.

1. Document verification system notification

The Weaver E-cology platform will display system notifications regarding the status of document verification. New recruits will be informed of any missing documents and prompted to re-submit them accordingly. This automated feature streamlines the onboarding process for a smoother experience.

2. Digital offer letter

Signing an offer letter is the initial step just before onboarding. To expedite the signing process, the Weaver E-cology platform has integrated a digital contract solution for increased efficiency. This e-sign solution enables new recruits, recruiters, and hiring managers to sign anytime, anywhere using their mobile devices.

3. Access to digital documents

The employment contract, position description, and employee manual are uploaded to the system database and are readily available online. This eliminates the need for endless printings, manual requests, and approvals to access these related documents.

A dedicated HR mobile app for enterprise

The seamless cross-deployment of Weaver E-cology with the e-mobile, Weaver’s Enterprise Mobility product brings higher flexibility to the recruitment and selection process. You gain access to WeChat Work and other internal applications within the app, allowing you to streamline the recruitment and selection lifecycle. With resume collection, filtering, and interview scheduling all at your fingertips, the process is significantly shortened.

Core values of E-cology HR management platform

1. Innovative channel integration

We prioritize the integration and support of e-mobile platforms, third-party applications, and social platforms to create a flexible workspace coordination. This allows you to hire new people anytime, anywhere, all at your fingertips.

2. Focus on what matters

Modernizing and digitizing recruitment and selection, implementing paperless documentation, building a comprehensive database, and streamlining onboarding can significantly reduce the burden and workload of HR. This transformation simplifies complex processes, enabling you to focus on tasks that truly matter – identifying and hiring potential candidates.

3. Talent pool database

Maintaining a vast database, or what we refer to as a “Talent Pool,” that houses information about potential candidates and existing employees in a single platform offers effortless access and rapid retrieval of information. This facilitates the quick identification of the best talent within seconds.

Core values of E-cology HR management platform

The Weaver E-cology platform serves as the ideal solution for recruiters’ day-to-day operations, encompassing recruitment and selection, employment, training, and retention.

By providing a single platform for all HR activities, it streamlines the entire selection and recruitment process, enhancing efficiency in multiple ways. Leveraging existing resources and exploring new methods for effective recruitment, it promotes internal sharing of recruitment information, ensuring everyone stays on track. Digitalization further simplifies the document approval process, reduces the need for redundant data entry, and creates a seamless onboarding experience for new recruits.

Learn more about Weaver’s solution Human Resource Management (HRM).

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About Weaver

Founded in 2001, Weaver is a leading digital enterprise software provider headquartered in Shanghai, with regional presence and service networks across Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia. Weaver specializes in a low-code collaborative management platform with a diverse portfolio, serving over 70,000 organizations and enterprises across 87 industries. 

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